Guidance on how to change the blog template (change the look) is certainly for new bloggers who do not know how tochange the look of the blog it. However, the old blogger can "peek" of his, who knows there is "nothing new" in the basic tutorial blogging this. ** * Let easier to follow these guidelines, please DOWNLOAD and Print, has included how to create a complete blog. PREPARE template first! Referred to change the blog template here does not replace the supplied template blogspot, but replace it with a template downloaded from the websites of providers blog template such as:
2 . Save the file extension xml .
If the results of the download in the form of a ZIP or RAR file, extract the file. Here's how:
2. Click the menu Template / display in the lower left Dashborad Blog.
3. Click the Backup / Restore (Backup / Restore) at the top right of the Dashboard Blog.
4. Backup your old template (optional) and click " Download Full Template ".
5. Click Choose File / Select File.
6. You'll be taken to a folder on the computer to find a blog template file. Click the XML extension file that was downloaded / extracted, and then click " Open ".
7. Click the Upload (Upload).
8. Wait until finished ..... and Beres! Congratulations, your blog has changed!
3. Check also link SEARCH (if any).
- BTemplate ,
- BTemplates4u ,
- Mastemplate ,
- AllBlog Tools ,
- Cool B Theme .
- Borneo Templates
- and much more.
1. Download The template .
Select the template that is clean, fast loading, and SEO Friendly. Read the review template (if any).
Select the template that is clean, fast loading, and SEO Friendly. Read the review template (if any).
2 . Save the file extension xml .
If the results of the download in the form of a ZIP or RAR file, extract the file. Here's how:
- Right click> Exctract to [filename] ) so that a file extension XML .
- If being more than one file, "secure" XML extension.
- Another file is usually a "readme" or the installation guide and links.
How to Change Template Blog
1 . Log in to Blogger . type in the address bar of your browser.2. Click the menu Template / display in the lower left Dashborad Blog.
3. Click the Backup / Restore (Backup / Restore) at the top right of the Dashboard Blog.
4. Backup your old template (optional) and click " Download Full Template ".
5. Click Choose File / Select File.
6. You'll be taken to a folder on the computer to find a blog template file. Click the XML extension file that was downloaded / extracted, and then click " Open ".
7. Click the Upload (Upload).
8. Wait until finished ..... and Beres! Congratulations, your blog has changed!
Template replace Blog: Advanced Stage
Changing the template has not been completely finished after step 7 earlier. There are still some things that must be considered, including:
1. Replace Favicon
Favorites icon. Small image that appears next to the blog. Prepare the same size images the same width-length, such as 100x100 pixels. Click Layout> Edit Favicon> Upload!
2. Changing the logo .
Favorites icon. Small image that appears next to the blog. Prepare the same size images the same width-length, such as 100x100 pixels. Click Layout> Edit Favicon> Upload!
2. Changing the logo .
If in your new template logo image. Replace with your logo version: Click Layout > Edit Header>Upload !
- Click " Instead of title and description "before clicking on" Save "!
- Sometimes there's template logo in (HTML code). Find the file in the template (Template> Edit HTML) and replace it with the URL of your logo.
- Click " Instead of title and description "before clicking on" Save "!
- Sometimes there's template logo in (HTML code). Find the file in the template (Template> Edit HTML) and replace it with the URL of your logo.
2. Changing the menu .
Change the names of menu and its link to the menu you want. Here's how:
- Click Template> Edit HTML> find the menu (CTRL + F) and Change / Change.
- Sometimes there HOME menu template is using a link template designer.
- Check the menu and link home in the template. If the link is like this, <a href='/'> HOME </a>, do not have to be changed, it is correct. If not so, replace it become so.
You can change the font color and the other colors by replacing existing color code.
2. Check the link RSS Feed / Subscribe.
Is it still a blank or using FeedBurner another ID. Replace with FeedBurner your ID!
3. Check also link SEARCH (if any).
Navigate searchnya link to your blog (if there is another blog name, change the name of your blog).
For example, there is a code like this:
<Form id = "searchform" action = " http: // / search "... />
then replace it with the name of your blog.
4. Check the Link Copyright!
Namely the footer links section " Copyright (c) Year NAME BLOG. All right reserved ", if it leads to the name of your blog, or to name other blogs.
If that appears the name of other blogs, such as the template name, change the name of your blog. Generally the hell has led to the name of your blog. But there is also a template name.
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